December 2-5, 2024 | Madison, Wisconsin - Early Bird Pricing Ends November 1st

2024 Eco-Ag Conference

Tickets and Registration are


Join Acres U.S.A. at our 49th Annual Eco-Ag Conference and Trade Show!

Back to the Roots: Cultivating a Future Grounded in Tradition and Innovation!

Watch Below

December 2-5, 2024 | Madison, Wisconsin


2024 Speakers

Gabe Brown

Gabe Brown is one of the pioneers of the current soil health movement which focuses on the regeneration of our resources. Gabe, along with his wife Shelly, and son Paul, own and operate Brown's Ranch, a diversified 5,000 acre farm and ranch near Bismarck, North Dakota. The ranch consists of several thousand acres of native perennial rangeland along with perennial pastureland and cropland. Their ranch focuses on farming and ranching in nature's image.

Joel Salatin

Joel Salatin, 64, calls himself a Christian libertarian environmentalist capitalist lunatic farmer. Others who like him call him the most famous farmer in the world, the high priest of the pasture, and the most eclectic thinker from Virginia since Thomas Jefferson. Those who don’t like him call him a bio-terrorist, Typhoid Mary, charlatan, and starvation advocate. With a room full of debate trophies from high school and college days, 15 published books, and a thriving multi-generational family farm, he draws on a lifetime of food, farming and fantasy to entertain and inspire audiences around the world. He’s as comfortable moving cows in a pasture as addressing CEOs in a Wall Street business conference.

John Kempf

John Kempf is an entrepreneur, speaker, podcast host, and teacher who is passionate about the potential of well-managed agricultural ecosystems to reverse ecological degradation. John believes that regenerative agriculture management systems can regenerate producer profitability, create economic incentives for producers, produce crops inherently resistant to infections, and eliminate the need for pesticides. Additionally, these systems can produce food that regenerates public health by transferring plant immunity to livestock and people, offering food as medicine.

John's mission is to mainstream these regenerative agriculture models globally by 2040. He emphasizes that managing soils and crops differently, in ways that enhance biological function, can rapidly sequester carbon, build soil organic matter, restore hydrological cycles, cool the climate, and reduce crop water requirements.

As a grower and founder of Advancing Eco Agriculture, Crop Health Labs, Ozadia, and the Regenerative Agriculture Academy, John actively contributes to the field. He also hosts the Regenerative Agriculture Podcast, interviewing top growers and scientists about implementing regenerative agriculture on a large scale.

Allen Williams

Allen Williams is a 6th generation family farmer and founding partner of Grass Fed Insights, LLC, Understanding Ag, LLC and the Soil Health Academy. He has consulted with more than 4000 farmers and ranchers in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, South America, and other countries, on operations ranging from a few acres to over 1 million acres. Allen pioneered many of the early regenerative grazing protocols and forage finishing techniques and now teaches those practices and principles to farmers globally. He is a “recovering academic”, having served 15 years on the faculty at Louisiana Tech University and Mississippi State University. He holds a B.S. and M.S. in Animal Science from Clemson University and a Ph.D. in Livestock Genetics from LSU. He has authored more than 400 scientific and popular press articles, and is an invited speaker at regional, national, and international conferences and symposia.

Gary Zimmer

Gary Zimmer is Founder of Midwestern BioAg.

Known as the “father” of biological agriculture, Zimmer is an internationally known author, speaker, and consultant. He owns Otter Creek Organic Farm, a family-operated, award-winning 1,000 acre farm near Lone Rock, WI, and has been on the board of Taliesin Preservation Inc. since 2011. Zimmer is the author of three books,

and numerous articles on soils and livestock nutrition.

Zimmer holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a master’s degree in Dairy Nutrition from the University of Hawaii.

Mark Shepard

Mark Shepard is the head of Restoration Agriculture Development and Forest Agriculture Nursery and the author of the award-winning book, Restoration Agriculture: Real-World Permaculture for Farmers

Based on his experiences at New Forest Farm in Viola, Wisconsin, the book reflects his belief in sustainably grown perennial food crops for the future.

New Forest Farm, once a worn-out row crop farm, is now a 106-acre commercial-scale perennial agricultural operation and one of the most ambitious sustainable agriculture projects in the U.S. Mark's innovations include runoff distribution, water retention, adaptive mass-selection breeding, and the integration of trees, shrubs, vines, and other plants to optimize efficiency. Primary crops include hazelnuts, chestnuts, walnuts, and apples.

Trained in mechanical engineering and ecology, Mark has developed equipment and processes for forest-derived agricultural products. He is a certified permaculture designer and teaches agroforestry and his innovative water management systems globally. Learn more about his keyline adaptations and water optimization techniques in his latest book,

Water for Any Farm.

Luke Jones

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Dr. Nasha Winters

Dr. Nasha Winters is an integrative oncology specialist, author of "The Metabolic Approach to Cancer” and “Mistletoe and the Emerging Future of Integrative Oncology,” and host of the Metabolic Matters podcast. She serves as the Executive Director of the Metabolic Terrain Institute of Health (MTIH), a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing integrative cancer care.

An internationally recognized authority in integrative cancer care and a sought-after public speaker, Dr. Nasha champions a comprehensive approach to cancer treatment. She combines standard care with vetted metabolic and complementary therapies to achieve optimal outcomes. As a trusted consultant for medical professionals and researchers worldwide, she offers expertise in patient evaluation and treatment strategies.

Dr. Nasha is revolutionizing cancer care with her vision for a pioneering residential integrative oncology hospital and research institute. Recently, she made significant strides toward this vision by opening a new nonprofit metabolic research lab in Phoenix, Arizona, focusing on personalized cancer treatments and early detection tools.

Her dedication to this vital work has earned her international acclaim and established her as a respected health expert and leader in the field of integrative oncology.

Brian Dougherty

Brian Dougherty grew up on a family dairy farm near Waukon, Iowa. After attending community college for farm management, he returned home and took over the farm in a partnership with his brother, remaining there for 17 years managing the dairy herd and raising corn, oats, alfalfa, and cereal rye. In 2011, Brian’s life took him in a new direction and he returned to school to study the principles behind agroecosystem functions. In 2016, he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in ecological engineering at Oregon State University with minors in chemistry and bioenergy. While at OSU, Brian researched the effects of biochar for odor control and nutrient sorption from livestock manure. He then returned to Iowa where he enrolled in a Master of Science program in agricultural and biosystems engineering at Iowa State University. His research focused on the effects of crop management on soil health, carbon cycling, and nutrient losses to subsurface drainage water. In 2018, Brian received a Nuffield Farming Scholarship and was able to travel the world studying the intersection of soil health, water quality, nutrient management and related global efforts to regenerate soils. He then started working with a diverse range of farmers on nutrient management, soil health, water quality, composting, farm drainage, and livestock facility management as a field agricultural engineer for Iowa State University Extension and Outreach where he also assisted with soil health workshops and studied the effects of various cover crop practices on soil and water quality in corn-soybean systems. In 2021, Brian was accepted into the first CREATE regenerative agriculture coaching program put on by Nicole Masters and the Integrity Soils team, learning with others from around the U.S. and Canada about the context and unique challenges in their local environments. During my decade-plus learning journey I came to realize how little I knew about soil function when I was farming and how many mistakes I had made. I also came to realize that our educational institutions have done a poor job teaching students and farmers what they really need to know about how healthy soil functions and how to leverage that knowledge to improve their soils and boost profits. I credit much of what I learned along the way to pioneers like Gabe Brown, Ray Archuleta, David Montgomery, John Kempf, Nicole Masters and others too numerous to mention that lit the path of learning for me.

Megan Neubauer

Megan Neubauer and her father Jack founded Pure Land Farm in 2012. After five years without a profit at farmers markets, they decided to convert Pure Land to a pick-your-own and quickly discovered the benefits of agritourism. By reallocating all the harvesting labor to visitors and because the produce is sold upon harvest, Megan and Jack have found they're able to spend more time on the work of growing, allowing them to produce much more food than they could pick, prep for market, and sell by themselves. Upon encouraging other farmers to try pick-your-own, Megan and Jack ran into the same resistance over and over; most farmers are hesitant to allow the public onto their property, and they don't know how to create a good guest experience. "I searched high and low for resources on how to run a pick-your-own when we started, but there's just nothing out there, which is why I wrote the book," said Megan. "I hope it will help other farmers see the potential in agritourism not only for profitability, but to push the entire local food movement forward by educating the public about regenerative agriculture through the power of fun, immersive experiences on farms.

Matt Powers

Matt Powers (M.Ed) is an author, educator, citizen scientist, entrepreneur, and family guy who teaches people all over the world how to live more regeneratively. Personally driven by a deep desire to have the best food possible for his wife and cancer-survivor, Adriana, and their two boys, Matt, a former public high school teacher with a Masters degree in Education, is creator of over a dozen online courses and author of over 20 books on permaculture and regenerative soil science like The Permaculture Student series and the Regenerative Soil Trilogy. Matt is also the host of A Regenerative Future, the podcast and Youtube show, where he interviews leaders in the regenerative space and shares his own work and insights.

Chuck Schembre

Chuck Schembre is a Regenerative Specialty Crop consultant for Understanding Ag, and serves clients across a broad geographical range in the United States, with an emphasis on California and the West. He specializes in orchards, vineyards, and diversified vegetable cropping systems, and has experience working with small grains, hay crops, and pastures. Chuck provides a diversity of services to his clients, addressing each client’s specific needs and opportunities to begin their regenerative journey, and advance strategies to take their regenerative practices to the next level. As with all the consultants on the UA team, Chuck focuses on building soil health and farm ecosystem function through the implementation of UA’s 6-3-4 rules and principles, and he provides additional expertise in soil health analysis, regenerative crop fertility, biological disease and pest management, advance horticulture practices, input reduction strategies, and ecosystem restoration. Chuck also assists clients in small livestock integration, specializing in orchard and vineyard livestock integration, providing the core understanding of adaptive grazing principles and how to manage livestock regeneratively while complying with food safety regulations. Chuck has studied and practiced many agroecological farming disciplines and draws on many of these disciplines in his own farming and consulting, including permaculture, biointensive growing, natural Korean farming, organic farming, and holistic farming principles. He believes the most powerful common thread between all these disciplines is an emphasis to emulate nature’s design, promote life below the soil, and harness the power of the earth’s free resources – sun, water, air, and mineral.

Nigel Palmer

Nigel is a lifelong gardener who relies on the amazing complexity of nature to inspire his gardening philosophy. After a realization that growing nutrient-dense food was the family's new health program, he dove into reading and exploring materials that could teach him the wisdom that indigenous peoples have relied on for millennia--working WITH nature's processes to harness the power of free, local resources to grow delicious, nutritious food.

He is the instructor and curriculum developer for the gardening portion of the year-long holistic health education program at "The Institute Of Sustainable Nutrition," a school founded and directed by his wife, Joan Palmer, an educator, nutritionist, herbalist and gardener.

(Thirty-six) years was spent as an aerospace engineer sorting, organizing, and resolving complex technical issues while raising a family with his wife.

When not watching his garlic grow, he enjoys telemark skiing up and down mountains, paddling with bears, and the keeping of bees.



Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin began working on economic development projects with indigenous Guatemalan communities in 1988, served as a consultant for the United Nations Development Program’s Bureau for Latin America, and as an advisor to the World Council of Indigenous Peoples, and co-founded the Fair-Trade Federation in 1994 and founded Peace Coffee in 1995. Before coming to the U.S. in 1992, Regi worked with artisan communities across Guatemala and built fair trade networks in Europe, the U.S., and Canada.

Haslett-Marroquin was named one of the Twin Cities International Citizens of the Year in 1996. In 2008 he received both the Northfield and College City and Southern-MN District Service to Mankind awards. He has served on numerous non-profit boards, received one of the prestigious lifetime Ashoka Fellowships and recently joined the MOSES board of directors.

Haslett-Marroquin is an owner-founder of Regeneration Farms LLC, Founder, and President of the Regenerative Agriculture Alliance, a father of three, husband, and farmer in the Northfield, Minnesota area.

His current focus is the scaling up of the Tree-Range(R) regenerative poultry system. To this end, he is building an online training platform, hands-on learning on multiple farms, regional producer pools, and layered infrastructure to lay the foundation of the national infrastructure and support systems needed to achieve the RAA’s vision of “making regenerative poultry the norm.”

Will Harris

Will Harris is a fourth-generation cattleman, who tends the same land that his great-grandfather settled in 1866. Born and raised at White Oak Pastures, Will left home to attend the University of Georgia's School of Agriculture, where he was trained in the industrial farming methods that had taken hold after World War II. Will graduated in 1976 and returned to Bluffton where he and his father continued to raise cattle using pesticides, herbicides, hormones, and antibiotics. They also fed their herd a high-carbohydrate diet of corn and soy.

These tools did a fantastic job of taking the cost out of the system, but in the mid-1990s Will became disenchanted with the excesses of these industrialized methods. They had created a monoculture for their cattle, and, as Will says, "nature abhors a monoculture." In 1995, Will made the audacious decision to return to the farming methods his great-grandfather had used 130 years before.

Since Will has successfully implemented these changes, he has been recognized all over the world as a leader in humane animal husbandry and environmental sustainability. Will is the immediate past President of the Board of Directors of Georgia Organics. He is the Beef Director of the American Grassfed Association and was selected 2011 Business Person of the year for Georgia by the Small Business Administration.

Will lives in his family home on the property with his wife Yvonne. He is the proud father of three daughters, Jessi, Jenni, and Jodi. His favorite place in the world to be is out in pastures, where he likes to have a big coffee at sunrise and a 750ml glass of wine at sunset.

Jeff Poppen

Jeff Poppen, also known as the Barefoot Farmer, is the owner and operator of Long Hungry Creek Farm, one of the oldest and largest organic farms in Tennessee. For the past 15 years, Poppen has appeared on the Nashville PBS television program "Volunteer Gardener." He has written a gardening column for over 20 years for the Macon County Chronicle, and he is the author of two books, The Best of the Barefoot Farmer Vol. 1 and Vol. 2. Poppen runs a CSA program with the food he grows using about eight acres of his farmland and with about 40 head of cattle.

Erin Silva

Dr. Erin Silva is an Associate Professor and State Extension Specialist in Organic and Sustainable Cropping Systems in the Department of Plant Pathology as well as the Director for the Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences at UW-Madison. After completion of a PhD in Horticulture at Washington State University, Dr. Silva obtained a faculty position at New Mexico State University. During her tenure at NMSU, Dr. Silva taught courses on organic vegetable production, an experiential learning course integrating the working student organic Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm on campus. Dr. Silva initiated several organic research projects at NMSU, including work on cover crop-based reduced tillage for organic vegetable crops and breeding vegetables for organic production systems.

Austin Unruh

Austin founded Trees For Graziers to help farmers in Pennsylvania and beyond take their grazing to new heights using silvopasture. It’s his goal to make silvopasture as easy and cost effective as possible for farmers, which is why TFG offers everything from planning and funding acquisition to planting and aftercare, while also growing silvo-specific nursery stock. When not thinking about silvopasture, Austin’s favorite activity is picking berries with his young family.

Andre Leu

André Leu is the Author of the ‘Myths of Safe Pesticides’ and ‘Poisoning our Children’. He is the co-author with Dr Vandana Shiva of ‘Biodiversity, Agroecology, Regenerative Agriculture – Sustainable Solutions for Hunger, Poverty and Climate Change’. André is the International Director of Regeneration International. It is an organization that promotes food, farming and land use systems that regenerate and stabilize climate systems, the health of the planet and people, communities, culture and local economies, democracy and peace. Regeneration International works with numerous agricultural systems such as agroecology, organic, permaculture, ecological agriculture, holistic grazing, biological agriculture, organic agriculture and agroforestry. He was the longest serving President of IFOAM – Organics International, the world change agent and umbrella body for the organic sector. He is currently an IFOAM Ambassador. Unique to Farming Secrets is his Film “Poisoning Our Children” , his book “The Myths of Safe Pesticides” and his online course “Regenerative Agriculture Workshop“.

Jay Fuhrer

Jay Fuhrer is a Soil Health Specialist employed by the Natural Resources Conservation Service in Bismarck, North Dakota. He has boots-on-the-ground experience over 38 years, working with cropping systems, grazing systems, cover crops, and gardens. Jay also has an extensive background working with groups and entities; these include soil and water conservation districts, national and international no-till organizations, grazing clubs, watersheds, farm organizations, urban groups, and more. Jay’s interest in soil health has resulted in numerous speaking engagements within the US, Argentina, Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Russia, and South Africa. Jay spends his time at the Menoken Farm, minimizing soil disturbance, adding soil armour, maximizing plant diversity, maintaining living roots in the soil, and integrating livestock.

Steve Diver

Steve Diver has worked as an Extension Horticulturist, farm manager, and soils consultant for 40 years – including 18 years as an agriculture specialist with ATTRA. He conducted the first biodynamic consultancies for USAID in Russia and India and served on the NOSB Compost Tea Task Force. Steve has lectured and published widely on soil biology, soil health, compost teas and microbial inoculants, composting systems, and organic crop production. He is currently the Farm Superintendent at University of Kentucky’s Horticulture Research Farm in Lexington.

Derek Schmitz

Derek Schmitz farms with his wife Taylor and their three children in Central Minnesota, near Cold Spring. Growing up on his family’s dairy farm, Derek’s passion for agriculture was ignited early on. A voracious reader, he discovered "grass-based dairying" and managed grazing in his teens, setting the stage for his regenerative farming journey.

Derek envisioned a farm that would be both economically and ecologically viable by relying on perennial forages. After high school and a two-year stint as a herdsman on a conventional dairy, Derek purchased his first set of dairy cattle and began his journey. Throughout his career, Derek developed a network of mentors, characterizing his farm as “a conglomeration of ideas from dozens of farms with the intention of creating a low-input, family-friendly farm and lifestyle.”

Today, 10 years later, Derek and his family milk cows, develop heifers and bulls, and custom graze on their farm. Dedicated to perennial forages, their farm produces high-quality milk and meat while improving soil health and ecosystem functions. It serves as a model demonstrating that forage-based production is both possible and profitable in the conventional agriculture world.

Derek is passionate about regenerative agriculture, believing it to be the change that will revolutionize farming. He attributes the resilience of his operation, despite difficult agricultural prices and weather challenges, to regenerative practices. As a consultant with Understanding Ag, Derek is excited to share his knowledge to help others build resilience into their operations. He finds immense joy in helping others understand and successfully implement soil health and adaptive grazing principles, believing that a regenerative journey can give any farm and family a brighter future.

Stefanie Jaeger

Stefanie was born and raised in Ashland, Wisconsin, on the shores of Lake Superior, where gardening, hunting, preserving, and made-from-scratch cooking were a way of life. With over a decade of experience in strengthening local food systems, Stefanie has contributed significantly in various capacities.

Her journey began by running the wholesale department for a local artisan bakery and helping build a new wholesale department for a local coffee roaster. She then managed the Bayfield Foods Cooperative’s 300+ member CSA for almost four years. Transitioning to the tech world, Stefanie built and ran the farm success department at Harvie, a CSA software company. With a background in Marketing and Business Management, and a passion for supporting local food growers and producers, Stefanie has found her ideal role at the Local Food Marketplace.

Outside of work, Stefanie enjoys trail adventures, swimming, gardening, paddling, hiking, camping, rock climbing, sailing, cooking, reading, and traveling. She lives near Duluth, MN, with her husband, Leif, and their rescue dog, Moon Pie.

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But don’t just listen to us, here’s what past attendees have said!

"This was the best conference for 'wealth of information' I've ever attended."

"Love this conference! It's one I greatly look forward to each year. I enjoy the new and more seasoned presenters. I usually catch one of the film screenings - this is the first year I didn't even catch partial - too much to do. Really enjoy the cocktail mingle, meet and greet, the supply of water, the quality of the vendors, speakers. The layout and flow of the whole conference is one of the better ones and why it's easy to come back year after year."

"The vast amount of knowledge at the conference was palpable and I feel fortunate to have learned from some of the leaders in this movement. Thank you for giving Eco Ag a space in the farming world and for giving voice to the regenerative movement. I have so much to think about and apply to my farming operations. THANK YOU!!"

“The Eco-Ag U sessions are why I come and am willing to travel long distance. Very much appreciate being able to go in depth with one presenter for 1 or 2 days."

“Attending this conference has been an absolute game-changer for my farming practices. The depth of information and the quality of the speakers are unparalleled. The networking opportunities were fantastic, and I left with actionable insights and new connections. Can't wait for next year!”

"The vast amount of knowledge at the conference was palpable and I feel fortunate to have learned from some of the leaders in this movement. Thank you for giving Eco Ag a space in the farming world and for giving voice to the regenerative movement. I have so much to think about and apply to my farming operations. THANK YOU!!"

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The hotel is offering a special group rate of $139.00 per night

You can’t stay closer to the conference than this! This hotel is connected to the conference venue. This hotel is newly renovated and features all new king and queen/queen double bedded room accommodations.

Special Group Rates End November 18th, 2024

This hotel and conference center is located in Middleton, WI. In Middleton, they like to say that it’s the middle things that make this area special. Enjoy a pint while touring one of the state’s oldest micro-breweries; sample mustards from around the world at the National Mustard Museum; stroll through a revitalized, charming Downtown shopping district or take a stroll around our outdoor shopping center at Greenway Station.​ Here you’ll find 80-plus restaurants and cafes, as well as about 50 shopping locations spread across the city.

The Marriott Madison West offers complimentary high-speed Wi-Fi, newly renovated guest rooms with plush beds and flat-panel TVs. The Great room restaurant and lounge serves American cuisine as well as a wide range of drinks. During your downtime, you can work out in the 24-hour fitness center and enjoy the indoor pool. The conference center is conveniently located and attached to the hotel.

Should you want to venture out, Madison, WI is located only 6 ½ miles from the hotel where you can visit the state Capitol.

1312 John Q Hammons Dr, Middleton, WI 53562, USA

1313 John Q Hammons Drive Middleton, Wisconsin 53562

Downtown Madison, Wisconsin

Event Schedule

Back to the Roots: Cultivating a Future Grounded in Tradition and Innovation!

Eco-Ag U

Get the most out of your experience by signing up for an Eco-Ag U workshop (or two!) – the registration fee includes your choice of pre-conference workshops plus the entire conference and trade show. Spend a full day with an instructor diving deep into a topic that’s important to you.

You will have direct, small-classroom access to the top minds in eco-agriculture, where you can learn the real details behind their success, and ask questions specific to your farm or operation.

Day 1 | Monday, December 2, 2024

Workshop Day: Attendance of all-day Eco-Ag U workshops require “1 or 2-Day Eco-Ag U + Conference” registration.

Eco-Ag U Registration Opens: 7:30am

Eco-Ag U Workshops: 8:30am - 4:00pm

Eco-Ag U Reception and Mixer: 4:30-6:00pm

Tradeshow and Bookstore Open: 4:30-6:00pm

Understanding Ag: Understanding Ag: two-day intensive program.

This workshop will focus on the Six Principles of Soil Health, the three Rules of Adaptive Stewardship and the Four Ecosystem Processes and how producers can increase their net profit by working with nature instead

of against her.

Who this is for:

Any farmer or rancher who wants to increase their net profit while spending less.

If followed, producers can expect a minimum of 20% return on their investment.


Dr. Allen Williams – One of the world’s leading authorities on Adaptive Grazing and Nutrient Density of Foods.

Gabe Brown – One of the world’s leading authorities on Regenerative Agriculture

Chuck Schembre – A leader in Regenerative Orchard and Vineyard production.

Brian Dougherty- A world- renowned expert in nutrient cycling and soil function.

Luke Jones – A leader in practical farm and ranch regenerative practices.

Topics covered will be:

● How to implement the 6:3:4 on your own farm.

● How to become an observer of these natural principles.

● How to save money and increase profitability.

● How to use epigenetics to add profitability.

● How to market your products effectively.

Monday December 2nd: 8:30am - 4:00pm

John Kempf: Unlocking the Potential of Regenerative Agriculture

Monday December 2nd: 8:30am - 4:00pm

Mark Shepard: Building Permaculture Operations

Monday December 2nd: 8:30am - 4:00pm

Day 2 | Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Workshop Day & Conference Start: Attendance of all-day Eco-Ag U workshops require “1 or 2-Day Eco-Ag U + Conference” registration.

Eco-Ag U and Conference Registration Opens: 7:30am

Eco-Ag U Workshops: 8:30am - 4:00pm

Trade Show & Bookstore FREE & Open To The Public: 10:00am-6:30pm

Conference Registration Opens: 4:00pm

Opening Keynote: 4:30-5:30pm

Reception on Trade Show Floor: 5:30-7:00pm

The Trade Show will be FREE and open to the public all day Tuesday. The conference will kick off on Tuesday afternoon.

Understanding Ag: Understanding Ag: two-day intensive program.

This workshop will focus on the Six Principles of Soil Health, the three Rules of Adaptive Stewardship and the Four Ecosystem Processes and how producers can increase their net profit by working with nature instead

of against her.

Who this is for:

Any farmer or rancher who wants to increase their net profit while spending less.

If followed, producers can expect a minimum of 20% return on their investment.


Dr. Allen Williams – One of the world’s leading authorities on Adaptive Grazing and Nutrient Density of Foods.

Gabe Brown – One of the world’s leading authorities on Regenerative Agriculture

Chuck Schembre – A leader in Regenerative Orchard and Vineyard production.

Brian Dougherty- A world- renowned expert in nutrient cycling and soil function.

Luke Jones – A leader in practical farm and ranch regenerative practices.

Topics covered will be:

● How to implement the 6:3:4 on your own farm.

● How to become an observer of these natural principles.

● How to save money and increase profitability.

● How to use epigenetics to add profitability.

● How to market your products effectively.

Tuesday December 3rd: 8:30am - 4:00pm

Matt Powers: Best Practices in Regenerative Soil Science & Microscopy with Matt PowersJoin Matt Powers for a full day of deep-diving into the how & why behind regenerative soil best practices + see how to verify the work LIVE with Matt demoing with an LW Scientific epifluorescence microscope, so bring your roots and soil!! Matt will be viewing and live evaluating samples for a selection of lucky audience members - come prepared!

Tuesday December 3rd: 8:30am - 4:00pm

Nigel Palmer: In this engaging, full-day workshop, participants will dive into hands-on learning. We will review the complexities of minerals, biology and building organic matter in the soil and the role voltage and acidity play in establishing life sustaining conditions that prevent pathogen and insect damage to plants. A score card for measuring regenerative and sustainable practices will be introduced.

Tuesday December 3rd: 8:30am - 4:00pm

Day 3 | Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Registration Opens: 7:30am
Bookstore: 8:00am-6:30pm
Trade Show: 8:00am-6:30pm
Morning Keynote: 8:30am
General Sessions: 8:30am-5:00pm
Reception on Trade Show Floor: 5:15-6:30pm

Day 4 | Thursday, December 5, 2024

Registration Opens: 7:30am
Bookstore: 8:00am-3:30pm
Trade Show: 8:00am-3:30pm
Morning Keynote: 8:30am
General Sessions: 8:30am-3:00pm
Final Keynote: 3:30-5:00pm

Conference Ends: 5:00pm


The Annual Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show is the premier regenerative agriculture event for meeting with production-scale farmers who are dedicated to their operations with next-level organic and biological solutions. Meet the best companies in the industry on our tradeshow floor!

Engage a Passionate Audience

Comprehensive Sponsorships enable you to elevate your brand by engaging a unique group of innovative growers and managers who understand natural products and why they work. Exhibits are a valued extension of the in-depth content of the Eco-Ag experience.

If you would like to become a sponsor or exhibitor of the Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show, send an email to [email protected] or call 970-392-4464.

Download a free PDF here:

You Need To JOIN US

Consulting Halls

The education never stops. In between conference sessions, you will have the unique opportunity to choose from a selection of instructors available for Q&A. These more informal roundtable-style talks will allow you to connect with the instructor and others who may have shared experiences. Consulting halls are a favorite for our attendees.

On-Site Bookstore

Acres U.S.A. displays hundreds of books on ecological and regenerative farming, from practical how-to’s to in-depth conceptual reads. We’ll have many of our bestselling titles on-site for you to purchase. Often, our speakers are also authors, and their books will be available for purchase. We also host book signings for many of our authors between sessions at the conference! Start your farming library at our conference, so the learning never stops.

Consulting Halls

The education never stops. In between conference sessions, you will have the unique opportunity to choose from a selection of instructors available for Q&A. These more informal roundtable-style talks will allow you to connect with the instructor and others who may have shared experiences. Consulting halls are a favorite for our attendees.



Where is the conference held?

The 2024 Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show will be held in Madison, WI.

What parts of the main conference will I miss if I attend an Eco-Ag U workshop on Tuesday?

Nothing! The Trade Show floor is open and free to the public all day Tuesday while the workshops are going on. 

May I register on-site for Eco-Ag U?

Eco-Ag U workshops have limited space and do sell out before the event. Pre-registration is strongly recommended to secure your spot in your workshop(s) of choice.

I have an exhibitor badge, do I need to register for Eco-Ag U?

Yes. Exhibitor badges are valid for the main conference only, but you may upgrade your badge to include an Eco-Ag U advanced learning workshop. Pre-registration is required and these tend to sell out, so please upgrade early. You can upgrade by emailing @[email protected] or by calling 970-392-4464.

Do I need to register to walk around the trade show? When will it be open?

Tuesday ONLY is free to the general public. No pass/badge required.Wednesday & Thursday: A conference name badge is required for entrance to the trade show, which will open to registrants on Tuesday morning. There are no trade show-only badges.

Can I volunteer?

Yes – we accept volunteers! Volunteers can attend our main conference for free in exchange for helping us manage the event on site. If you’re interested in volunteering, email [email protected] to learn more and sign up today!

Will there be books for sale at the conference?

Yes. Acres U.S.A. is bringing our eco-farming bookstore with hundreds of titles. We accept cash, checks and all major credit cards.

What food is available?

We have food vendors on the Trade Show floor. They will be serving food during trade show hours, which opens before the first lecture each day. Food is also available in the host hotel and at restaurants and cafes within walking distance.

Can I bring my child?

Absolutely! Families are always welcome. People who do bring children, however, must be watched and cared for. Children younger than 14 are free to attend. Children of 14+ should register as a student.

Can I transfer my registration if I can’t make it?

Yes. You can transfer your registration by calling the Acres U.S.A. office at  970-392-4464 or by emailing [email protected]. After December 2, 2024, the transfer will be made on-site at the event. Have that person claim your registration on-site and we’ll make a new name badge there.

I have other questions. Who do I ask?

Please call the Acres U.S.A. office at  970-392-4464 and ask for the events team or email [email protected].

What Sets Us Apart

Every year, the Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show sets a new standard for innovative and practical learning in modern agriculture. This is not your average regenerative farming conference. Eco-Ag is the premier conference for science-based sessions on regenerative agriculture. You will learn techniques and tactics you can immediately take home to the farm and put into practice. Each moment of programming is thoughtfully curated to provide useful, practical and measurable information and connections that you can apply to your operation.

Join us for the main conference and trade show on Dec. 4-5 or decide to come early for one of our incredible full-day Eco-Ag U intensive workshops Dec. 2-3… either way you can expect a fulfilling experience that will include:

  • Exceptional learning from leading farmers, agronomists, and others who are pioneering a new way to farm ecologically and economically.

  • Engagement with innovative companies building tools and services to help you surpass your regenerative farming goals.

  • Connecting with your peers who are also seeking to chart a new path forward for their regenerative operations and with experienced growers and agronomists who have valuable lessons learned and are ready to share.


The Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show is filled with engaging keynote speakers, 1- to 2-hour breakout sessions in regenerative agriculture topics ranging from soil health – including making the most of the microbiome, composting, cover cropping and more, to farm management to livestock and beyond.

Stay tuned for our agenda as these sessions come online.

Eco-Ag U

Get the most out of your experience by signing up for an Eco-Ag U workshop (or two!) – the registration fee includes your choice of pre-conference workshops plus the entire conference and trade show. Spend a full day with an instructor diving deep into a topic that’s important to you.

You will have direct, small-classroom access to the top minds in eco-agriculture, where you can learn the real details behind their success, and ask questions specific to your farm or operation.

Trade Show

Complement your education with learning at our trade show, bustling with innovative products and services in every specialty that will help you launch your operation to the next level in regenerative agriculture.

Our trade show also includes innovation presentations and demonstrations and complimentary coffee.

Want to become a sponsor or exhibit in the trade show? Visit our Trade Show page to learn more!

Register Now!

Secure your spot for the best conference in Regenerative Agriculture! Spots are Limited and pricing will increase as we get closer to the event.

You Need To JOIN US

On-Site Bookstore

Acres U.S.A. displays hundreds of books on ecological and regenerative farming, from practical how-to’s to in-depth conceptual reads. We’ll have many of our bestselling titles on-site for you to purchase. Often, our speakers are also authors, and their books will be available for purchase. We also host book signings for many of our authors between sessions at the conference! Start your farming library at our conference, so the learning never stops.

Consulting Halls

The education never stops. In between conference sessions, you will have the unique opportunity to choose from a selection of instructors available for Q&A. These more informal roundtable-style talks will allow you to connect with the instructor and others who may have shared experiences. Consulting halls are a favorite for our attendees.

General Terms

  • Event registration prices include all service fees.

  • By registering for the AcresUSA Eco-Ag Conference and Trade Show, you agree to receive email updates from the event producers and partners

  • This transaction will appear on your credit card statement under AcresUSA Eco-Ag Conference and Trade Show

  • Acres USA will never sell your data to third parties. Please be aware of phishing scams that claim to be selling a list of our attendees.

Refund Policy

What if I have to cancel?

Sorry, no refunds.** Your registration can be transferred to someone else’s name if you cannot attend; please contact our office.

For Eco-Ag U all-day workshops: Due to limited space, cancellations received through November 1st, 2024 are entitled to an 80% credit to be applied to AcresUSA subscriptions, books, DVDs, audio CDs, or future conference fees.

Item Transfer Policy

Can I transfer my registration if I can’t make it?

Yes. You can transfer your registration up to the day before event by calling Rebecca Gerwig at the AcresUSA office at 970-392-4464 or by emailing [email protected].

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